Working Hard on the new website
Its been a busy few months in the lead up to launching the photography business. This is the hub of where the site building action takes place, I cannot count the many packets of hobnobs and cups of tea I have got through over the last few weeks. The website is coming along nicely, sifting through hundreds of images attempting to collate them for the site. The deadline for the website to go live is Friday 21st
of August so the pressure is on. The company Facebook page has now been launched and its great to see it being shared. The twitter account is up and running and is starting to get followers. Business cards are designed and on order and the designs are back for the vehicle sign writing, the difficult part now is choosing the best design, they are all really good. I have had my first commission from the facebook page within 4 hours of the launch so Im really chuffed with that! A studio booking on Thursday for a client portrait so really looking forward to that. Pictures to follow :-)